
Showing posts from September, 2021


MCQ BASED WRITING SECTION I. As Principal of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lucknow, draft notice in not more than 50 words informing students of the change in school timings with effect from the 1st of October. State valid reasons for the change.  1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words a. Change in school timing b. Notice c. Notice from the Principal 2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words a. Change in school timing b. Notice c. Notice from the Principal 3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate expression a. becomes quite difficult to start early b. Becoming quiet difficult to start early c. Became quite difficult to start early II. You read in a newspaper the news ‘An Old Couple Murdered in South Delhi’. You decide to write a letter to the Commissioner of Police, complaining against the rising rate of crime against the old people. Write the letter giving suggestions for the security of the elderly. You are Aanchal of B-6/12, Phase I, Ashok Vihar. ___________________...

Data Based Comprehension For CBSE Term I Exam

Reading Comprehension ,  in competitive exam, is termed as the ‘make or break’ section for all candidates. A total of 17 Reading Comprehension questions are asked in some of the exams. The key to build a winning strategy for the RC section lies in understanding the different types of Reading Comprehension questions asked in these exams. To help you out, we have discussed all the different types of  RC questions below. These will help you prepare well for the RC section and improve your sectional and overall  percentile. Different Types of Questions Asked in RC RC Questions Based on the Central Theme The most common type of RC questions are the one in which candidates have to identify the central theme or the message of the RC paragraph provided in the question paper.on Example of Central Theme Based Questions The structure of the passage can be best described by- The main point that the passage implies is- ..What is the central idea of the passage? The best wa...