Data Based Comprehension For CBSE Term I Exam

Reading Comprehension,  in competitive exam, is termed as the ‘make or break’ section for all candidates. A total of 17 Reading Comprehension questions are asked in some of the exams. The key to build a winning strategy for the RC section lies in understanding the different types of Reading Comprehension questions asked in these exams. To help you out, we have discussed all the different types of  RC questions below. These will help you prepare well for the RC section and improve your sectional and overall  percentile.

Different Types of Questions Asked in RC

RC Questions Based on the Central Theme
The most common type of RC questions are the one in which candidates have to identify the central theme or the message of the RC paragraph provided in the question paper.on
Example of Central Theme Based Questions
The structure of the passage can be best described by-
The main point that the passage implies is- ..What is the central idea of the passage?
The best way to answer RC questions that are based on the central theme is by reading the passage carefully. You can also take help of answer choices to pick the correct option. However, it is advised to be wary of answer choices that are general and less specific. The idea is to pick the option which best describes the central theme of the given passage.

RC Questions that test Vocabulary
Another type of questions which regularly feature in Competitive exam paper is the Vocabulary-based questions. Mostly these questions are based on synonyms and antonyms and therefore are relatively easy to answer.
Example of Vocabulary Based Questions: The antonym of the word “___” is?
What does the word “___” mean?
How to solve Vocabulary Based Questions? The only way to answer the Vocabulary-Based Questions correctly is by building a strong vocabulary base. But, candidates must keep in mind that merely memorizing meaning of the words won’t help you in these exams. You need to understand the contextual meaning and usage of words in order to answer these questions correctly.

RC Questions Based on Inference
One of the toughest types of RC questions that you will encounter in CAT exam is  the ones based on Inference.
Examples of Inference Based Questions
What can be inferred from the sentence- “____”?
What does the sentence “____” imply?
How to solve Inference Based Questions? In order to attempt such questions, you need to analyse and understand the provided passage. Inference based questions require you to identify the sources of inference and understand the context and thought process provided in the paragraph. You will be able to answer the questions accurately, provided you are able to pick upon the central theme and decode the logic behind it.

RC Questions Based on Titles
The title-based questions are the ones in which you have to pick the most appropriate title for the given passage.
Examples of Title Based RC Questions: The most apt title for the passage is-
Which of the following is the most suitable title for the passage?
How to Solve Title Based Questions? To solve the title-based Reading Comprehension questions, candidates have to identify the key subject accurately along with the context of the passage. The answer options provided for such questions are often tricky and difficult to decode. Therefore, it is important to know the common idioms and phrases that are generally used in RC passages to solve the Title based questions.

RC Questions that assess Tone
Such type of RC questions requires candidates to identify the tone of the author in the given passage.
Example of Tone Based RC Questions The tone of the author is best described by-
What attitude of the author can be inferred from the following sentence?
How to attempt Tone Based RC Questions? The key to solving these Reading Comprehension Questions lie in understanding the nature of the passage. Secondly, you also need to understand the type of sentiments that author is trying to convey i.e. negative, neutral or positive. Once you have analysed both these aspects, picking the right answer option that best represent the nature and sentiments of the author becomes easy.

RC Questions Based on Facts
The Reading Comprehension Section also includes a few Fact based questions in which candidates have to identify the correct and incorrect facts from the passage.
Example of Tone Based RC Questions: According to the passage, which of the following statement is correct? Which of the following sentence include incorrect facts? How to solve Factual RC Questions? To solve these questions, it is important to read the entire passage properly and keep the key facts in mind. This way, one can easily relate a particular question to the passage and answer it easily. Sometimes, logical or inferential facts are also asked in this type.

RC Questions Based on Paragraph and Structure
Another type of RC question that you may encounter  will be Paragraph & Structure type questions. In such questions, candidates will have to analyse the intuitive sense and logical reasonbehind the paragraph.
Example of Paragraph Structure Based RC Questions The second paragraph criticizes-.....The third paragraph describes-
 How to answer Paragraph Structure Based RC Questions? In order to answer such questions, candidates need to comprehend each passage and understand the key idea behind it. During the comprehension exercise, you can pay attention to certain key keywords and phrases like “ironically”, although”, “but”, etc. 

1. What does the author mean by make or break? 
a. Reading comprehension asked in Competitive exam
b. Something that will decide the failure or success of a candidate
c. Key to the winning strategy

2. As per the pie chart what is the total number of questions asked on the basis of inference? 
a. More than 4
b. More than 5
c. Less than 3

3. If any question is asked like "what does the sentence imply? "then what type of question is that? 
a. Question based on vocabulary
b. Question based on structure and paragraph
c. Question based on inference

4. When does it become important to know the common idioms and phrases?
a. While solving questions based on title
b. While solving questions based on tone
c. While solving questions based on vocabulary

5. The pie chart shows that
I. Questions based on Central theme, paragraph and structure combined are equal to the questions based on facts
II. Questions based on Title, tone and facts combined is equal to the questions based on inference
III. Question based on vocabulary and tone combined are equal to the questions based on facts
a. Options I and III are correct
b. Option II is correct
c. Only option I is correct

6. Choose the correct opinion(O) for the following facts(F). 
Opinions(O) --
I. Wary the answer choices that are general and less specific
II. Understand the context and thought process provided in the paragraph
III. Analysing the aspect that best represent the nature and sentiments of the author
Facts (F) --
I. You will be able to answer the questions based on inference
II. You will be able to answer the questions based on tone
III. You will be able to answer the questions based on Central theme

a. O I, II, III matches with F I, II, III
b. O I, II, III matches with F III, I, II
c. O I, II, III matches with F III, II, I

7. The phrases like 'ironically', 'although', 'but' are important because
a. They easily relate a particular question to the passage
b. They identify the key subject accurately
c. They play a critical role in conveying the real meaning of the passage

8. To identify the tone of the author in a given passage it is important to
a. Identify the key subjects accurately
b. Understand the type of sentiments that author is trying to convey
c. Understand the contextual meaning and usage of words

9. Write a word that is synonyms to strategy in para 1
a. Technique
b. Solution
c. Master plan

10. Choose a suitable title for the passage
a. Solutions to competitive
b. Question tricks in reading comprehension
c. Different types of questions asked in RC in competitive exam


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