PURPOSE OF NOTE-MAKING--  It is an important study skill and advanced writing skill that aids us at work by drawing the main points of the material we read. It helps us to remember and jot down the important points of large chunks of information.


Total marks alloted- 8

Note-Making- 5 (Title-1, Indentation-1, Content-2, Abbrv-1)

Summary Writing- 3 (Content-2, Expression-1)



Format Of Note Making

1.     Title of the passage for note making should be written on the top in capital letter in the middle.

2.     The note should be divided into various headings(atleast 3). Headings can be either a statement or a question. It can also be written in complete sentence or phrases. Numbering should be done in Hindu-Arabic form such as 1.,2.,3. .....

3.     Each heading must contain two-three Points. Points are never written in complete sentence. Only phrases and words are accepted as points. They should not begin with capital letter. Numbering should be done as- 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2 etc. Proper indentation should be maintained under each heading.

4.     Points may contain sub-points under them. These are normally written in single word or two words and begin with small letter. Numbering should be done as either a, b, c.... or 1.1.1, 1.1.2....... Proper indentation should be maintained.

Eg:- 1.  __________________________





5.     Minimum 4 abbreviations should be used in a note(maximum10). Big words should be abbreviated and they should be underlined.

6.     Avoid writing articles, determiners, prepositions and helping verbs while writing points and sub points.

Format Of  Summary Writing

1.   Content of the summary - elaborate the lines of the notes. Summary should be based on notes. Without note making, no marks is given for writing summary only.

2.  Word limit for summarization is 80. Summary should not be long. (Penalized for long summary)

3.  Do not lift any line from the passage. (Otherwise marks is deducted in expression)

Note Making Example:--


1. About Galapagos islands

Abbreviations used

Ocn. --  ocean

tort. --- tortoises

hund. -- hundred

diff. --- different

& --- and

endng.- endangered


     1.1 situated in Pacific ocn.

     1.2 rocky lonely spots

     1.3 home to giant tort.

2. The giant tortoises

     2.1 weigh hund. of pounds

     2.2 wander slowly

     2.3 seven diff. kinds

     2.4 part. kind for each island

3. Coming of people to Galapagos and its impact

    3.1 sailors and the diff. problems faced

        3.1.1 no refrigerator

        3.1.2 no fresh food

  3.2 solution- tort.

  3.3 sailors caught them & used as food

  3.4 tort. are now endng. species


The Galapagos Islands are Rocky and lonely spots in Pacific Ocean and are home to the giant tortoises. These tortoises weigh hundreds of pounds and wander slowly along the island. There are seven different kinds and each kind is particular to each island. The coming of the sailors on the islands had a great adverse  impact on their  population. As the sailors had no refrigerator and scarce fresh food, they caught these tortoises and ate them as food like stews and soups. (82 words)

Question For Practice:-

1. Make notes on the above passage. Give a suitable title to it and use minimum 4 abbreviations. (4)

2. Write a summary based on your notes. (4)


1. Role of parents in career choice of children-

   1.1 vital role

   1.2 help to choose the best out of many opp.

Abbreviations Used

Opp. - opportunity

Imp. -- important

Req. -- required

Occp. -- occupation

Cmpt. -- competence


   1.3 leave final decision on child

   1.4 mention imp. factors life

        1.4.1 job market demand

        1.4.2 salary ranged

1.4.3 long term opp.

1.4.4 skills req.

1.5 don't push

2. Difficulties faced by children in choosing right Carter

2.1 choose the right out of innumerable opp.

2.2 pushed to choose occp. having no apptitude

2.3 search for magical choice

3. Factors to be kept in mind while choosing career

3.1 to support family

3.2 job in question - satisfying

3.3 cmpt. level

3.4 strengths and weaknesses


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