I. As Principal of Sardar Patel Vidyalaya, Lucknow, draft notice in not more than 50 words informing students of the change in school timings with effect from the 1st of October. State valid reasons for the change. 
1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
a. Change in school timing
b. Notice
c. Notice from the Principal
2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words
a. Change in school timing
b. Notice
c. Notice from the Principal
3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate expression
a. becomes quite difficult to start early
b. Becoming quiet difficult to start early
c. Became quite difficult to start early

II. You read in a newspaper the news ‘An Old Couple Murdered in South Delhi’. You decide to write a letter to the Commissioner of Police, complaining against the rising rate of crime against the old people. Write the letter giving suggestions for the security of the elderly. You are Aanchal of B-6/12, Phase I, Ashok Vihar.

2 September 2021
Dear Sir

Subject: _______________________(6)
Through the letter, I want to raise the issue of the rising crime and violence against the aged. Every other day, we hear of the murder or robbing of the elderly. There have been even some cases of the old women living alone being harassed.
I feel police can do a lot to _______________________(7) in their homes. Beat constables should be instructed to visit the old and the aged single people from time to time. There can be a special phone number at every police station for the use of the aged. The police officers and constables . should be given special training to be sensitive to the needs of the aged.
I hope the police department will take some effective measures soon to prevent crime against the aged.
Aanchal Singh

4. Fill up the correct address:-
a. B6/12 Phase I
     Ashok Vihar, Delhi 110052
b. The Commissioner of Police
     Delhi Police
     New Delhi 110002
c. Police Headquarters
     New Delhi
5.  Fill up the correct address:-
a. B6/12 Phase I
     Ashok Vihar, Delhi 110052
b. The Commissioner of Police
     Delhi Police
     New Delhi 110002
c. Police Headquarters
     New Delhi
6. Choose the appropriate subject
a. Crime Against the children
b. Crime against women
c. Crime Against the Aged
7. Choose the correct expression
a. make the aged feel secure
b. making the aged feel stable
c. to have made the aged feel secure
8. What is inappropriate in the above letter?
a. Subject
b. Signatory
c. Salutation

III. You are Anshu Jain. You have secured 95 per cent marks in English. Your English teacher has persuaded you to share the secret of your success with your schoolmates. You decide to deliver a speech ‘English is an extremely scoring subject’ in the morning assembly. Write the speech in about 150-200 words.
Respected Principal, teachers and friends.

English is an extremely scoring, provided one follows a few rules, such as a good reading habit and ______________(10) and specific in one’s answers. As far as the lessons in the CBSE textbooks are concerned, a thorough reading is essential. Questions asked from these lessons can be from any part of the chapter/story and could be about any minute detail. Remember the complete name of main characters and the author’s name. Your answer _____________(11) tense as the question. Secondly, the answer should be relevant and to the point. In order to get high marks in the comprehension passages and writing tasks, a student must have good communication skills as well as good reading habit. In article/report writing, questions on current affairs are often asked. Reading comes____________________________(12). A report should always be written in the passive voice. In note-making, do not give more than five points. Give sub-points for each main point in a logical sequence. On the basis of the points, write a summary and give a title. In letter writing, be brief and accurate. Adopt the block format. Try to be creative while writing advertisements. The phrases/language should be catchy. These are some points that may stand you in good stead.

9. Choose the correct combination
I. This is Anshu of Class XI Science.
II. I am here to deliver a speech on "English is an extremely scoring subject"
III. My love and respect to all
a. Only I
b. I, II, III
c. I, II
10. Choose the appropriate expression
a. the aim to brief
b. the ability to be brief 
c. the ability to brief
11. Choose the appropriate expression
a. has to be in the same
b. Can be in the same
c. Must be in the same
12. Choose the appropriate expression
a. easy while writing such compositions
b. easily and handily while writing such compositions
c.  in very handy while writing such compositions
13. What is missing?
a. Anshu Jain
b. Yours faithfully
c. Thank you
14. Which of the following is/are true about speech writing?
I. A speech should begin with a catchy introduction in the form of an anecdote, quotation, statistical data or a thought provoking question.
II. A speech must reflect the speaker’s clarity of thought, accuracy of facts and a balanced view through a comparison and contrast with other viewpoints.
III. A speech may also give reference to newspaper reports, posters, advertisements or other stimuli.
b. I and II
c. II and III
15. Which of the following is/are not true about speech writing?
I. A speech is an effective way of communicating a message to a large audience. 
II. It is one of the ways of spreading awareness regarding social issues or giving information regarding other important issues. 
III. As a form of writing, a speech is similar to an article .
a. I.             
b. II            
c. III


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